
Keep in mind that every disappointment is temporary. Every frustration can be overcome.

Think highly enough of yourself and your possibilities to live with positive purpose and passion. This is your life and this is your time to make it great.

The quality of what you experience in life depends on the quality of what you give to life. Make it good, make it right, make it honest, and add real, lasting value to your world.
"the best things in life aren't things"


"No regrets in life… just lessons learned or lost...."

Greater Purpose

You cannot see unless you look. You cannot look if you're obsessed with your own problems and concerns.

Accept for a moment that it's not all about you, and what you see will amaze you. Let go for a moment of the need to impose your will, and the freedom will truly empower you.

Your ego drives you to get useful things done. It can also keep you trapped in a prison of your own making.

Certainly you have purpose and desire and they are vitally important. Yet you exist within the whole of creation, and that is very important too.

The abundance in your life has its source in the limitless abundance of all that is. Your own unique purpose is best advanced when it resonates with an even greater purpose beyond you.

Feel the freedom and see the dazzling beauty of rising above your narrow concerns. From a higher perspective, you'll see possibilities you could not have even dreamed of.

-- Ralph Marston

Mykonos Xperience




One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure its worth watching.


"life is a journey not a destination"


seize the day


אני לא רוצה להיות הכל לכולם, אבל אני רוצה להיות משהו למישהו"

Live it up

"Nothing lasts forever.
So live it up.
Drink it Down.
Bring it on.
Laugh it off.
Take no bullshit.
Take chances and never have regrets."


"Drunkenness reveals what soberness conceals"

Marilyn Manroe

"A wise girl kisses but doesn't love, listens but doesn't believe, and leaves before she is left."

luv dunks!


Watch your thoughts they become words. Watch your words they become actions. Watch your actions they become habits. Watch your habits they become character. Watch your character it becomes Destiny!



Embrace discipline

Run away from discipline, and it punishes you. Embrace discipline, and it enables you to do magnificent things.

You can decide to discipline yourself, or you will surely and eventually have discipline forced upon you. It is far better to choose it for yourself, so you can fashion with it whatever you desire.

You already have the ability to act with self-discipline. Make use of that ability by making it a constant habit.

Discipline doesn't cost you. It pays, over and over again. Discipline makes what you already have, more valuable. And with discipline you can create much more new value.

Do what is in the best interest of everyone involved, even when it is not comfortable or easy at the moment. Long after the immediate inconvenience and discomfort are gone, you'll be enjoying the rewards of choosing to discipline yourself.

-- Ralph Marston

never fall

Capricorns can dance out on the edge of a cliff, but will never fall.


The Only People You Need In Your Life Are The People Who Need You In Theirs.

We Are The World


Lost Generation

Baked by Kate


Dare to say what you truly think. Dare to express what you really feel.

Preventing yourself from being yourself causes stress, anxiety, frustration and resentment. Give yourself permission to be uniquely beautiful and uninhibited in your living of life.

Dare to attempt things you've never done before. Every well-honed skill you have, was once a new experience.

Dare to question your beliefs. For that is how you make them strong.

Open yourself to the possibility of failure. The fact that success is never a sure thing is what makes it so worth having.

Dare to imagine, and then to intently build that which you've imagined. Dare to dream, and to live that dream with passion and purpose in every moment.

-- Ralph Marston

My NEXT life

I want to live my next life backwards:

You start out dead and get that out of the way.

Then you wake up in a nursing home feeling better every day.

Then you get kicked out for being too healthy.

Enjoy your retirement and collect your pension.

Then when you start work, you get a gold watch on your first day.

You work 40 years until you're too young to work.

You get ready ;for High School: drink alcohol, party, and you're generally promiscuous.

Then you go to primary school, you become a kid, you play, and you have no responsibilities.

Then you become a baby, and then...

You spend your last 9 months floating peacefully in luxury, in Spa-like conditions - central heating, room service on tap, and then...

You finish off as an orgasm.

- George Carlin


Great richness

Life doesn't have to be perfect to be perfectly wonderful. When you're looking for beauty, any moment will do.

Just as you are, just where you are, is enough to bring out the best you can be. Enjoy simply being, and you'll find great and valuable possibilities in even the most ordinary moments.

Each day is a new and unique gift for you. Lovingly open the gift of this day with gratitude and positive expectation.

Wherever you find yourself is a place where you can discover fresh, new value and create fulfillment. Imagine where the opportunities will take you, and then watch those opportunities pop into view.

Treasure the twists and turns that life will inevitably continue to take. There is great richness to be found in it all.

-- Ralph Marston


My kicksssss

Live and Let Live

"Never regret anything because at one time it was exactly what you wanted"

"You’re only as strong as your weakest link"

"The sweet is not as sweet without the sour"

" Life is either a great adventure, or nothing..."

"The trouble with trouble is, it starts out as fun"

"Where there is no struggle, there is no strength"

"Prepare for the worst, hope for the best, fear nothing, and never regret"